Altar Set-Up

This message board is dedicated to the ancient Roman Religion, the Cultus Deorum Romanorum. Here both historical practices and the living modern tradition is to be celebrated and discussed. The members of the Collegium Pontiificum and Collegium Augurum host this board as moderators and are happy to answer questions.

Altar Set-Up

Postby Publius Genucius Philippus » Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:56 pm

Ave, friends.

I am fairly new to the Cultus. I would like to ask for your opinion on how to set up an altar for the gods. Are there any conventions on how to arrange the images of the Penates, Lares, and the Gods?

Also, unfortunately statues of the Gods are hard to come by from where I am. Are printed pictures good substitutes?

Thank you very much!
Publius Genucius Philippus
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Re: Altar Set-Up

Postby Gaius Florius Lupus » Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:36 am

Salve Genuci Philippe,

You can order statues of the gods from wherever you are through Amazon Global,e.g. ... 01N6IL646/

As far as I know pictures were also in use in Lararia. Alternatively you could make your own statue from clay, wood, or 3D-printing.

Florius Lupus
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